Scoliosis refers to a spinal sideways curvature that typically occurs in the affected patients during puberty. This condition has been linked to muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy but in most of the cases, the exact cause is still unknown to medical science. Most scoliosis cases are relatively mild but there are some patients that suffer severe scoliosis which worsens over the years.
A severe case of scoliosis can be disabling to the patient. For instance, as the spine curves more, the space within the chest is reduced significantly and this makes it very hard to breathe normally. For this reason, patients that get diagnosed with scoliosis have to be monitored closely with regular x-rays to see if the condition is worsening.
If the patient is a child, surgery can be employed to correct the defect before it worsens. Non-intrusive ways like using braces and inversion therapy can also be used to correct the defect
How inversion tables help scoliosis
The very first benefit of inversion therapy for scoliosis patients is pain relief. Stretching is one of the main purposes of inversion therapy and this is what helps in pain relief.
When in an inverted position, your body is stretched and becomes elongated as the pressure of gravity is reversed. Continual inversion helps fresh blood and fluid to flow freely to the joints and discs of the spinal cord and this also helps in pain relief.
After a session of inversion therapy, a patient might enjoy relief of pain for a couple of hours although it might not permanently cure the pain.
Apart from pain relief, inversion therapy is a non-intrusive way of correcting the spinal curvature. Some experts believe that regular inversion leads to posture correction and this can be a great plus for scoliosis patients.
There is also evidence that inversion therapy helps cure muscle spasms and it is in fact recommended as a safe solution for athletes. When muscle spasms are reduced or eliminated as a result of inversion therapy, there is a realignment of the spine and this is one of the reasons why inversion is said to be very beneficial for scoliosis patients.
The rectus abdominis is the muscle responsible for attaining what is loosely referred to as a six pack. The muscle covers the stomach area and it somehow assists in the spinal movements.
A patient can use the inversion table to do some crunches and sit-ups which help to strengthen the spine. The end result is that you will be able to stand and sit straight for elongated times without getting tired. The more you participate in inversion therapy, the more the muscle develops.
However, scoliosis is a very complex medical condition and the effects and possible remedies vary from patient to patient. In fact, up to 85% of the scoliosis cases are classified as idiopathic, which literally means that the causes are not known.
Even though inversion therapy can help in alleviating pain for scoliosis patients, there is very limited scientific research on if it can actually cure the condition.
For this reason, inversion therapy should be used to complement the other treatment options recommended by your doctor.
For more information about the other benefits of inversion tables, click the following link: